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 Citizen Science

Beach Cleans

Beach Cleans are great,  but we would like to be able to tackle the problem at the source. After each beach clean we sort the waste collected and record the different types. This means we can identify common culprits and get an estimate of the problem in our local area.

Shore Search

Shoresearch is a user-friendly and fun method of exploring the shore and recording the species and habitats found there. Shoresearch Cornwall has been run by Cornwall Wildlife Trust since 2012 and in this time we have carried out hundreds of surveys and have trained over 200 volunteers. 

Cornwall Wildlife Trust provide Shoresearch training at specific events and on each survey. Volunteers are welcome to come along to organised events but are also encouraged to carry out their own Shoresearch surveys and to send in their findings.



Marine Strandings

Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Marine Strandings Network is the licensed recorder for all marine strandings in Cornwall.

The Marine Strandings Network consists of a team of over 100 volunteers who record all reported strandings of marine organisms on Cornwall's coastline. The volunteers' main activity is recording and photographing all stranded dolphins, whales and porpoises (collectively known as cetaceans) as well as seals, basking sharks and turtles but we also collect data on all marine life stranded in Cornwall, everything from guillemots and zulu fish to violet snails and buoy barnacles.

Call our 24hr emergency hotline: 

0345 201 2626

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