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Whale Watch

Falmouth Marine Conservation’s Whale Watch Project aims to use citizen science, public engagement, robust survey and monitoring techniques to connect people to the wealth of marine megafauna in Falmouth Bay, and understand what species and how many of these amazing animals are present in our local waters.


We record and monitor any marine megafauna that is present in the bay – this includes a diverse range of amazing marine species, from the more common grey seals that haul-out on our local beaches, to our occasional visitors, such as large basking sharks, massive fin whales, graceful common, bottlenose, and Risso’s dolphins, or our adorable harbour porpoise. We have a spectacular array of marine life in our bay, and want as many people to see as many of these species as possible.


We mainly use Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s SeaQuest Survey methodology to record the abundance and diversity of these species. We usually do this through one of our SeaQuest Sunday events, which we aim to run at Pendennis Point on the first Sunday of each month. We’d love to see you at our next one! On top of this we plan to run coastal walks, boat trips, and winter talks in the near future, to maximise the amount of wildlife we can see! Keep an eye on our social media accounts to see when these will be running!


We aim to collaborate with as many local organisations as possible, so often run events in conjunction with Cornwall Wildlife Trust, the University of Exeter, the MarineWatch Society and many others. Our events are open to everyone, so we’d love to see you there!

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